4500 Broadway

Denver, CO

Mainspring Development engaged Semple Brown as master planner and architect for this challenging triangular building site to accommodate a coffee shop and two apartment homes. The Globeville site is bounded by two freeways and required extensive improvement to meet current site design standards. The site accommodates parking, an outdoor plaza, new sidewalks and landscaping.

The existing building—a former motorcycle fabrication shop—was transformed into a bustling space for the non-profit Prodigy Coffee operation. Prodigy’s 2000 sf operation includes a community meeting space, outdoor patio, classroom and Craft Coffee Learning Lab, as well as “third space” working spaces for the neighborhood. Prodigy hires and trains disadvantaged young people, providing job skills and life skills.

The midcentury, streamline modern character of the existing building inspired the form and appearance of the apartments—two stacked flats of 750 sf each.

Mainspring selected the interior finishes for the buildings.

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